It isn't good to have zeal without knowledge; nor being hasty with one's feet and missing the way. Proverbs 19:2 (New Heart English Bible)
You know the story of Simon Peter slashing off the right ear of Malchus, one of the servants of the High Priest in Jesus' day, with a sword, when Judas led them to arrest Jesus.
Jesus cautioned him to 'put his sword away (John 18).
You may also know the story of Phinehas, the son of Eleazer and grandson of Aaron, who in holy anger drove a spear through an Israelite and his Midianite concubine at the peak of a plague caused by Israel's whoredom. That plague had already killed 24,000 people.
God commended him and made a covenant of peace with him. And his action stopped the plague. (Numbers 25)
What's the point here?
Let holy zeal be accompanied by holy knowledge.
There is a time to use the sword and a time to sheathe it in the cross.
The Holy Spirit will show you the difference
He is sent to guide us into all truth;
Just keep an open ear...
So you know when to put the cross forward
And when to pull out the sword from it.
-Sista Mercie