Let your gentleness be obvious to everyone. The Lord is near. Philippians 4:5 (Berean Study Bible)
In Matthew 24:45-51, Jesus paints two scenarios of what happens when a Master returns to his home after a long absence, during which he kept a caretaker-servant in charge of his estate.
In the first scenario the master returns and finds the servant doing what he was commissioned to do, and is rewarded. In the second, the servant gets bored with waiting and starts deviating from his assignment because, according to him, his master has stayed too long…. Unfortunately for him, his master returns sooner than he had thought he would need to adjust back to his call…
This reminds me of true life stories of wives caught in adultery by husbands who ‘came home early’. They didn’t have the chance to re-adjust to the ‘wife’ position.
Our Master gave no fixed date for His return, but he gave pointers. He said when you see ‘these things’ know that the end is near.
Both servants were conscious of their Master’s absence. For the former, it meant time to fulfill his duty. For the latter, it was time to quickly fool around.
Are you fooling around, or are you fulfilling your round?
The Lord is near.
-Sista Mercie
#IntentionalLiving #JesusIsComingBack