For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 (New Living Translation)
This one's for all the women out there
Who feel the wind rustling beneath their wings
But are too afraid to take the leap...
Afraid of what others think of them
Afraid that their dreams won't make sense to anyone
Afraid of stepping out of the 'world' they've been conditioned to fit in
Afraid of leaving 'home'
Afraid of sneering stares
Afraid of reporting abuse
Afraid of speaking up and speaking out
Afraid of the unknown
Afraid that their wild dreams may just come true
Afraid of being the woman they see inside...
The superwoman...
Dear Sista
You're more than a label- wife, mum, sister....
You're a FORCE
When next you feel that wind rustling beneath your wings
Don't pause to analyse... You've done that all your life
Don't stop to explain.... They will catch up with your success
Don't look down on what you already got.... It's more than enough to get you going
Just spread those pretty wings God has blessed you with...and fly....
With love from a woman who's no longer afraid to soar
-Sista Mercie