With long life I will satisfy him, And show him my salvation. Psalm 91:16 (Revised Standard)
With long life...
We all know at least one child of God who died young, sometimes, too young...
Does God's Word fail?
Does God's promises waiver?
While we will only 'know in part' until the Bye-and-Bye, we can trust God to know the full picture and be content that we will understand things better when we see Jesus.....
What counts for a satisfied life?
Length of years?...
Height of achievements?
Weight of children and their accomplishments?
Depth of relevance and affluence in the society?
If you knew you would die tomorrow
What would you do today?
That which you would start doing, or do differently, or do with greater zeal....
That which no man can take away from you...
That which defines your true essence within...
Little drops of those attitudes and actions
Will amount to an ocean of your satisfied life
Whether it ends at 20, 40, or 80.
Live today!
- Sista Mercie