Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12 (New Living Translation)
Honor your parents -
The ones who 'natured' you
The ones who nurtured you.
Authority symbols over you are placed by God;
If you respect them, you respect God.
It's a simple instruction
But very easily thrown away
Because most times
We subtly take our parents for granted.
Child of God,
If you really are an ambassador of Christ
You will do as he did while he was on earth;
For he did everything to please his heavenly Father
But also honored his earthly parents.
In turn, his heavenly Father honored him.
Honor is a currency with which we buy life to the full
Especially when it is directed at our fathers and our mothers.
Be deliberate about it.
- Sista Mercie
#LiveBlessed #HonourYourParents