“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave.” Job 1:21 (New Living Translation)
Before we are born and after we die, we have no need of things. But every single day between those life stones, our lives become encumbered with things. Things competing for necessary attention; The lust of the eyes The lust of the flesh; Things which are not bad in themselves but have the capacity to stifle spiritual power if given too much consideration.
Today, please be reminded to focus on what is really important to life; That which is much more than food and clothing. Reorder your priorities with heaven in view and give more room to those things which count for eternity.
At the end of time, The things we have worked out will be tried with fire. This fire will burn out that which is temporary and only that which has eternal value will survive (1 Corinthians 3:12-15).
Hold loosely that which is not eternal And firmly, that which is.
Jesus says to the churches I know your works!
-Sista Mercie
#IntentionalLiving #LiveInPurpose