Pray without ceasing 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (King James Bible)
Does this mean our tongues keep moving And we never rise from kneeling? Then we would all be guilty of failing this admonition.
Praying without ceasing is…. Staying in the mindframe where you never feel guilty to come before God… Not that ‘I-heard-your-voice-in-the-garden-but-I-was-afraid’ kind of prayer that causes you to think of sin first, each time you need to pray… That ‘I-am-not-worthy-to-be-called-your-son’ kind of prayer that makes you shy away from making your requests known unto God… That ‘naked-I-came-naked-I-will-depart’ kind of prayer that limits your view of the God in you and cheats you of all you could ever be….
Child of God, Stay in God’s atmosphere so much that if you need to quickly say a word to the Father, it would be to catch up from where you left off the last time you talked.
We don’t step in and then step out of God’s presence. We are ever conscious of Him. We walk in the spirit and abhor the works of the flesh… That’s how we pray without ceasing. That’s how we roll.
– Sista Mercie
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