O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1 (New Living Translation)
How close are you to this God?
This God you talk much about, preach about, sing to, discuss with friends, analyse with atheists...
How personal are you with Him?
Is He just God
Or is He your God?
Beyond the paraphernalia of church services;
Singing, dancing, playing the instruments, giving of alms, church board meetings, evangelism, bible study classes and the rest,
Is this God your God
Or is He just God?
The God of all creation;
Maker of heaven and earth;
King of kings and Lord of lords;
The One who sent His only son to die...
He indeed is all of that... and more...
The purpose of all His revelations of Himself
Is to get you to realize your need of Him as YOUR God.
Get closer.
Get a real relationship with Him.
-Sista Mercie
#SpiritLife #LiveInChrist