Life's troubles often choke and
Squeeze out the air from your chest
Suffocate the life out of you and force you to
Lose thought of how far you have already come... which,
By the way is a long long way.
Things are not usually as worse as we think they are
With patience and reliance on God's Word we realise
That we were in His will all along and
All things do 'work together'. Eventually.
God's purposes man's fallibility cannot shake
Has he said it? Will he not bring to pass?
"Relax: God is in control" is not a cliché
It is a scriptural command
Inhale. Exhale.
Do your part. Then let God.
Close your eyes. Pray.
Open them. Watch.
Ah. A new day.... and Jesus is glorified. Again
Child of God
Just breathe....
And live again