You must love the LORD your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5 (NET Bible)
There are certain emotional songs and prayer points in the church. They are great in themselves And often used to rouse a dull congregation...
Once they are raised, Goosebumps and a sort of alertness spread amidst the congregation. Hands immediately thrust upward… Tongues and more tongues… Tears… Hearts arising…
Then the service ends… And the people of God disperse…
Some back to old ways; Lies on their lips Polluting their bodies Defrauding men…
Serving God with tears Should be laced with holy fear… and trembling.
Serving God with emotions alone Is not enough. Love him with your whole being. Love him in church And everywhere else.
When next you sing a song of worship Or lift your voice up in prayer Put your mind to it.
– Sista Mercie
#IntentionalLiving #LiveInChrist