Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (King James Bible)
Joseph’s mistress had been giving him ‘the look’ from the moment it was obvious to her that God had blessed him. He was the handsome slave-boy in charge of her household – second only to her husband.
When he pretended not to understand – or maybe he truly, naïvely, did not understand her eye motions – she plainly said to him ‘Lie with me’. Joseph must have been stunned; transfixed to the ground, the first time she moaned those words in his ears. He was only a lad and could not comprehend why a woman of her status should desire him at all.
The Bible records that she cajoled him daily; pestered him often; persistently wearied him with that one request: Lie with me! Lie with me! Joseph! Lie with me! She did not mince words. She was clear about what she wanted from him – Joseph understood what she wanted from him – and even though she mounted pressure on him, day after day, all Righteous Joseph did was preach; ‘How can I…?’
On the day she launched her premeditated assault, the house was quiet. Mrs. Potiphar, I presume, had sent every other servant out on errands that would keep them away. You would think that with all the amorous glances and entreaties he had been getting from his Boss’ wife, Joseph’s antennae would be hypersensitive. You would think….but…. No. He was engrossed in his job. He was so neck deep in the task he was tackling at that moment that he did not hear her stalk him….
He fled… but a little too late. He fled… but left convincing evidence behind… An evidence of what never was!
Thanks to God who always causes things to work out to our advantage, Joseph might have rot in jail for being naïve in the face of afore-warned bait.
Jesus charged us to be gentle as doves but wise as serpents. Perception, discernment and setting clear boundaries are devices every Christian must put to use in these times when wolfs have put on sheep’s clothing and have sat down with us in church – singing our songs, praying (sometimes even leading) our prayers, lifting up hands seemingly holier than ours….
Be wary my brethren, be wise. Say NO to silly naïvety and reject brave stupidity. What do you want to prove? The Lord will not tempt you, therefore do not tempt yourself.
A brother makes himself comfortable in a sister’s abode, alone with her, sometimes sitting on the only furniture in her one-room apartment – her bed! Another sister gives a big, bear-hug to a brother, subtly caressing him with her bosom in the name of the Lord! Brethren of opposite sex calling or texting each other late into the night, shorn of any emergency! Brethren hurting spouses of their married friends by engaging in activities they would not condone in their own marriages if such were done to them.…
When confronted with the stolen milk still in your hands, you throw your head back and declare, “It is not what it looks like!” Well, what does it look like then….?
Yes indeed we are free, but we ought to be careful lest we find ourselves entangled again in the very things Christ set us free from. Our freedom should not lure us back into bondage. (See Galatians 5:1,13).
In as much as we are not called to please everyone; if it raises eyebrows, if it may require some explanation, if you silently hope someone else does not bump into it… do a five-second analysis and if it has the slightest appearance of evil; step back a little. Better still, leave immediately. In fact, just run away…. I mean, flee. While you can!
Sista Mercie
#LiveTrue #LiveBlessed
wow! What a read! Thank you Sista mercie for this excellent piece. You brought this story alive capturing all the nuances that we so easily take for granted. Thank you for reminding us of the devices of the enemy. Please continue in this ministry. Holiness unto the Lord! Blessings to you!
Wow! Beautiful write up. Thank you ma.
An awesome perspective. Sin is subtle, thus the righteous must deal wisely. Thank you Sis. Mercie