Who among you walks in darkness, and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD; let him lean on his God. Isaiah 50:10b (Christian Standard Bible)
When there's no ray of light anywhere
When you're dealing with stuff alone
When no one can boldly assure you that it's going to be alright
When your tears become your breakfast and supper
When you're too unsure of where next to turn.... whose voice to heed.... whose hand to hold....
That is not the time to hate God and His Word
That is not the time to light another light
That is not the time to grope around looking for a way out
That is not the time to withdraw from Grace
That is not the time to turn away and run....
Child of God,
That is the time to trust.
Leave your hands in His
Even when you cannot tell where His steps lead...
Just follow, even in the dark.
That is what it means to trust.
In His light you will find light. (Psalm 36:9)
- Sista Mercie
#TrustGodAgain #LiveOneMoreDay #KeepGoing #PrayAgain