What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.” Romans 3:3,4 (English Standard Version)
So your ‘bestie’ hurt you so unbelievably bad, and because he/she is a christian you are disappointed to the point that you are confused about God’s ways. ‘God saw your heart and knew you were honest. He also knew the other person’s intentions towards you yet He didn’t shield you from the hurt that eventually came...’
Your business partner; a fellow saint, duped you out of your investments and now claims the returns alone. Your pastor almost molested you, or did he? Your trusted pal betrayed you irreconcilably. Your parents, in trying to show you the way of life, stifled the very life out of you… The list is endless.
Now you’re bruised, broken, bent over and totally burnt out. You don’t want to try again, love again, trust again, hope again. You just want to give up and die. You can’t afford a reason to go on. Why should you? It’s worthless. Even prayer seems difficult because you can’t tell on whose side God is; yours or that of the other child of His who let you down…. So you are just there, trying so hard not to blame God yet wishing you could. You are gradually hardening up, becoming someone other than who you were formed to be. Merely existing, not enjoying your life.
I do not claim to have the antidote to these types of hurting (I have had my fair share too), but what I have learned through my disappointments is to take God by His Word. I have his word. His Word is Truth- living and active truth and its rhema available to me by His Holy Spirit. So I can read it by myself, hear him for myself and bring it home to myself.
It is true that God reaches out to us through the people around us, but when these same people are the ones bearing down the enemy’s schemes on us (remember Judas), it doesn’t mean that God also is mean. Look at it this way, the best of men is still a man, and God is not a man. He will not lie even if all the men around you do. Sometimes you may not grasp enough sense in what He had said to you in the past in relation to what you now experience, but God does not change his mind. He isn’t schizophrenic either, he hasn’t forgotten what he said and even if the earth melts away and the heavens disappear from the clouds, His Word will forever be dependable.
Your friend lied. Your teacher lied. Your parents lied. Even your pastor lied. But God is true and one promise from Him is enough, more than enough for you to hold on to till your hurt heals. And it will.
You can live again!
Sista Mercie
#LiveAgain #TrustAndObey #ForgiveAgain