...Though its root grow old in the earth, and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put out branches like a young plant. Job 14:8-9 (English Standard Bible)
You are amazing
You are the one Jesus died for
It was for you He also resurrected from the grave
So He would ensure you walked in victory
He rose again to impose His new mandate on your destiny
So you don't have to continue in mediocrity and lack - not having enough.
He rose again to breathe His new life into you by the Holy Spirit
You are now a new creation that never existed before
Therefore no man born before you is your perfect example of what living ought to be.
You are a new creation - live without comparisons.
Your perfect model is Christ
And if Christ lived again
You can.
I just gave you your scent of water...
Go on and sprout again...
Bud and blossom. Again.
-Sista Mercie