The ones who follow God will have overflowing joy! They will not walk in step with the wicked Nor the sinners path, Or be found sitting in the scorners seat. (Psalm 1:1, The Passion Translation)
Have you ever felt embarrassed by an action of little ones you took out for an event? Have you ever wondered or asked them ‘Where did you get that from?’ Even you, as a chi may have done a few things that embarrassed your parents, elder cousins, etc., who took you out… But look at you now…
When you make a mistake as a child of God, that is not the end. Being a Christian does not have an auto-reset button. It takes practise.
Did you do some evil yesterday? Did you stand with sinners last week? Did you seat with scoffers a few minutes ago?…
Confess your shortcomings to your God and rely on His help to make better choices today.
It takes time to outgrow what you were once used to. It takes time to get used to what God expects from you. Be willing to practise being blessed. Keep your heart obedient to The Word; Keep your spirit open to the leading of the Holy Spirit; If you fall again, get back right up, And keep practising.
You are already blessed. Live it out! Again and again and again…
Sista Mercie
#LiveBlessed #Medispirations