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Writer's picture: Sista MercieSista Mercie

Abraham believed the LORD, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Romans 4:3, Genesis 15:6 (International Standard Version)

When God first called him out of his father’s house, Abram had no prior revelation of who this God was – who boldly promised; ‘I will make your name great’ (Genesis 12:1-3). At 75, he was yet to have a child because Sarai, his wife, was barren (Genesis 11:30) but God presented the land of Canaan to him and declared; “To your descendants I will give this…”

Months rolled into years…. and more years…. and even though Elohim had empowered him in every other way, Abram was yet to see the manifestation of the promise of an heir to carry on the name that would become ‘great’.

Maybe, he thought, it would be through his late brother’s son, Lot, whom he had adopted…. but the Lord permits some dissension between them and Lot has to go the other way…. That same day, Abraham hears God say “Your children will be as numberless as the dust of the earth… (Genesis 13:14-17).

Numberless children??? With not one son in sight!!!

Several more years pass…

Eliezer maybe, he thought again… his Head-Servant will inherit his possessions… But as soon as the thought escapes his mouth, Yahweh refutes it and spells out in black and white - “a son from your loins will be your heir… your descendants from your loins will be uncountable as the stars in the sky.” (Genesis 15:1-6)

Uncountable descendants??? With a physical body as good as dead!!!

And Abraham believed God.

Ten long years after the promise, an embittered and frustrated Sarai offers Hagar to her husband, for, the Lord had shut her womb… Maybe, just maybe the heir is to come through Hagar, who being her slave, will forfeit the parentage of her child, to her Mistress.

In very little time, Ishmael is born. At last! A son for Abram. An heir from his loins….

About 12 years later, after he had settled his hopes on and built his dreams around Ishmael, God Almighty returns to say, ‘Walk before me Abram and be blameless’. God then gives him a new name, a new name for his wife, and a name for his yet unborn but promised son who would still come through his 90 year old wife and his 100 year old loins.

Abraham Laughed to himself, analyzing God’s audaciousness when he said “I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this season next year” (Genesis 17:21).

Because Abraham could not yet wrap his head around what he had faith in, God still visits again and shares the promise directly with Sarah… she laughs out loud, as expected… Well, her laughter and that of her husband, only a few weeks apart, are in order…for Isaac (meaning ‘laughter’) was about to be released from heaven’s vaults.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?” An amused but scared Sarah was asked as she cleared the dishes from which she had just fed Angels…

It was another 13 years after Ismael, 20 years after God showed him the stars, 25 years after he first believed before Sarah finally bore Isaac.

Several generations later, Abraham’s descendants through promised Isaac, were 600,000 men (besides women and children) when they walked out of Egypt (Exodus 12:37), like sand on a seashore, dust on the face of the earth, countless as the stars in the sky…

God never told a lie. You can believe again, whatever it is He told you.

Sista Mercie

#Medispiration #LiveOneMoreDay


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