The LORD appeared to Israel from far away and said, "I've loved you with an everlasting love, therefore I've drawn you with gracious love. Jeremiah 31:3 (International Standard Version)
You may wonder when your miracles would eventually arrive...
You may be puzzled time and again how the Bible promises of God relate to you here and (right) now....
You may ponder on how your tomorrow may turn out...
You may muse upon the several unanswered questions staring you in the face...
You may doubt the advances of the family and friends who say they care...
You may often find yourself at crossroads, Y-Junctions, roundabouts with several exits....
You may not even trust yourself, your instincts, your actions, your motives...
You may sometimes be unable to guess which way to turn, which friend to trust, whose hand to hold...
But, Child, never ever ever doubt that God loves you dearly;
Because He does.
When He chastises, when He smiles;
When He's silent, When He's loud;
When He's near, when He's 'far';
When He prospers, when He withholds....
God's love is everlasting.
He proved it on the Cross
And breathed into you His Holy Spirit
To ensure that you never forget.
Never forget!
-Sista Mercie