The LORD said to my lord, "Sit here at my right side until I put your enemies under your feet." Psalm 110:1 (Good News Translation)
Stop the rigmarole of 'searching for a miracle'
Calm your spirit from 'spiritual hustling'
Quieten your thoughts from darting helter-skelter poking for answers everywhere...
The Lord says 'Sit'.
God indeed has heard your petitions
His ears are not deaf
His eyes are not blind
His arms not short
So sit.
At his right side.
Keep hope burning
Keep believing
He is not a man that tells lies
He will soon put your enemies (evil people, negative experiences, life's issues, troubles, challenges, diseases, lack, etc) under your feet.
It is a matter of time
And if He said he would, then he would.
Sit. Wait. Enjoy the right side of God while you wait.
God has answered all your prayers.
- Sista Mercie