For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 (King James Bible)
Dear Joseph, Even though you are favoured by your aged father, your half brothers despise you and your brilliant coat. They are uncontrollably disgusted by your audacious dreams of the future… Alas they seem to have succeeded in stalling those dreams as you find yourself unjustly thrown into a pit to die…. By the same people whose food you brought only a few moments ago… But… Don’t die yet.
Sold into slavery God is still good For you find favour in your Master’s eyes But… lust in your Mistress’ With falsified proof you’re thrown into the dungeon in a strange land No mother, no father, no brother, no sister, no helper Maybe you should really give up now and just die… But… Don’t die yet.
God is still good, You find favour again in the sight of the Chief Guard. You find expressions for your spiritual gift too.
Hallelujah! But… The Butler forgets you As days roll into weeks…months…years… That hope is dashed… Still… Don’t die yet…
It may be tomorrow That God will give Pharaoh a problem only you can solve It may be tomorrow that the Butler suddenly remembers… Today a Chief of prisoners… Maybe tomorrow… A Ruler of free men It is already written in The Books concerning you It will not lie. You remember those dreams?…
Just don’t die yet.
-Sista Mercie
#LiveOneMoreDay #DontDieYet #Medispirations