So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied. Acts 9:3 (English Standard Version)
Like a loving father; Providing a shoulder to soar upon. Like a doting mother; Holding you close to His warm bosom. Like a true friend; Sticking closer than any brother. Like a big sister; Patiently showing new patterns…
Companion when you’re lonely Strength when you’re weak Wisdom when you’re clueless Hope for each new day
He provides all the back-rubs, hugs, kisses, embraces, thumbs-ups, nudges, smiles, nods, endorsements, affirmations, rebukes, lessons and more, that you will ever need in your lifetime.
The Father sent us His Holy Spirit so we won’t miss the person of Jesus even for a single day.
Comforter – That’s what the Son said He would be.
Have you accepted His ministry of comfort yet? Oh! What needless pain we bear….
-Sista Mercie